商科研究生证书课程 (35A1)
- 课程时长: 4 – 5个月 (一个学期)
- 授课地点: 霍巴特桑迪湾校区(第一学期,第二学期,IPC第二学期)
- CRICOS Code: 094432J
- 金融硕士
- 专业会计硕士
- XPD509 – 管理者的会计与责任
- XPD510 – 企业社会责任
- XPD507 – 管理基础
- XPD508 – 市场营销基础
- 完成澳大利亚高级文凭或以上,或经批准的同等学历#;
或 - 至少有两年的管理经验*。
课程 | 选项 | 雅思成绩 |
预科课程 Foundation Studies | 快捷课程 | 雅思总分6.0(单科不低于5.0) |
标准课程 | 雅思总分5.5(单科不低于5.0) | |
国际大一文凭 International First Year Diploma | 商科,理科 | 雅思总分5.5(单科不低于5.5) |
商科研究生证书课程 Graduate Certificate in Business Studies | 雅思总分6.0(单科不低于6.0) |
Country specific | Graduate Certificate in Business |
Australia | AQF Level 6 Associate Degree/Advanced Diploma |
Bangladesh | > University from Section 1 -50% not including failed results, no more than 15 failed results, Other Sections – 55% not including failed results, no more than 15 failed results in Bachelors |
Bhutan | > Bachelor degree (3 yeares minimum) OR higher qualification |
Brazil | > Licenciado/Licenciatura (minimum 3 years) OR higher qualification |
Brunei | > Diploma (minimum 3 years, after A-levels or National Skill Certificate) > Higher National Diploma or Brunei Higher National Diploma (mimimum 2.5 years, after A-levels or National Diploma) OR higher qualification For UK based qualifications, refer to UK entry requirements |
Cambodia | > Bachelor Degree, Licence or Diploma (minimum 4 years) OR higher qualification |
Canada | > Diploma (minimum 3 years) > Associate degree (minimum 2 years) OR higher qualification |
Chile | |
China | > Certification or Graduation or Graduation Diploma (minimum 3 years) OR higher qualification |
Colombia | > Tecnólogo Especializado en xxx > Título de [specialisation], Título profesional or Diploma with título de [specialisation] (minimum 4 years) OR higher qualification |
Ecuador | > Tecnologo (minimum 3 years) OR higher qualification |
Ghana | > Higher National Diploma OR higher qualification |
Global Assessment Certificate | |
Hong Kong | > Advanced Higher Diploma (minimum 1 year, after Higher Diploma) > Professional Diploma > Honours Diploma > Associate Degree OR higher qualification |
India | > University from Section 1 -50% not including failed results, no more than 15 failed results, Other Sections – 55% not including failed results, no more than 15 failed results in either Bachelors or 3 years diplomas |
Indonesia | > Diploma (III) or (IV) > Sarjana (S1) (minimum 4 years) OR higher qualification |
International Baccalaureate | |
Iran | |
Japan | > Advanced Diploma OR higher qualification |
Kazakhstan | > Bachelor degree (would allow direct entry into Master’s) OR higher qualification |
Kenya | > Diploma (minimum 3 years) > Higher Diploma OR higher qualification |
Kuwait | |
Laos | > Bachelor degree (minimum 4 years) OR high qualification |
Macau | > Higher Diploma (Bacharelato) (minimum 3 years, following Grade 12) OR higher qualification |
Malaysia* | > Post Diploma Certificate in Teaching (minimum 1 year) > Diploma or Advanced Diploma (minimum 4 years, after SPM) > Diploma (minimum 3 years, after STPM, accredited by MQA) OR higher qualification |
Mexico | > Licenciatura/Licenciado or Título Profesional (would allow direct entry into Master’s) OR high qualification |
Mongolia | |
Myanmar | |
Nepal | > Bachelor degree (minimum 3 years) – 50% not including failed results, no more than 15 failed results OR higher qualification |
New Zealand | > Diploma (including National and New Zealand Diplomas) (NQF Level 6, more than 240 credit points, listed on NZQF) OR higher qualification |
Nigeria | > Higher National Diploma (minimum 2 years) OR higher qualification |
Oman | > Advanced Diploma or Higher Diploma (minimum 3 years) OR higher qualification |
Pakistan | > University from Section 1 -50% not including failed results, no more than 15 failed results, Other Sections – 55% not including failed results, no more than 15 failed results in Bachelors |
Papua New Guinea | > Bachelor degree (would allow direct entry into Master’s) OR higher qualification |
Peru | > Título Profesional (minimum 2 years, after secondary education) OR higher qualification |
Philippines | > Section 2 Bachelor degree (without evidence of Regulation Commission’s Licensure Examinations in the relevant professional field or Bar Examination) OR higher qualification |
Russian Federation | > Diplom o Nepolnom Vysshem Obrazovanii (minimum 2 years) OR higher qualification |
Saudi Arabia | > Bachelor degree (would allow direct entry into Master’s) OR higher qualification |
Singapore | > Advanced Diploma (minimum 1 year, awarded by a Polytechnic, after a Polytechnic Diploma) > Polytechnic Specialist Diploma OR higher qualification |
South Africa | > National Certificate (120 credit points, NQF Level 6 or 7) > National Diploma (240 credit points, NQF Level 6 or 7) > National Diploma, National Diploma for Technicians or National Engineering Diploma (minimum 3 years, awarded by technikon) > Advanced Certificate (120 credit points, NQF Level 6 or HEQF Level 6) > Diploma (360 credit points, NQF or HEQF Level 6) > Advanced Diploma (240 credit points, NQF or HEQF Level 7) OR higher qualification |
South Korea | > Associate Degree / Junior College Diploma (minimum 3 years) OR higher qualification |
Sri Lanka | > 50% not including failed results, no more than 15 failed results in diplomas (2 years minimum) |
Taiwan | > Bachelor degree (minimum 2 years, after a Junior College Diploma in an unrelated field) |
Thailand | > Section 1 Associate Degree (minimum 3 years) > Diploma in Technical Supervision (Por Tor Sor) (2 years full-time after the Diploma in Technical Education or 4 years full-time after the Certificate in Vocational Education) > Higher Diploma in Technical Education (Por Tor Sor) (2 years full-time after a 2-year post-secondary technical or vocational award) OR higher qualification |
Turkey | > Bachelor degree (Lisans Diploması) (would allow direct entry into Master’s) OR higher qualification |
Ukraine | > Bachelor Degree (Bakalavr Diplomi) (minimum 4 years) (would allow direct entry into Master’s) OR higher qualification |
United Arab Emirates | > Higher Diploma (minimum 3 years, after Year 12, or minimum 1 year after a Diploma) OR higher qualification |
United Kingdom | |
United States | > Bachelor degree (would allow direct entry into Master’s) OR higher qualification |
Uzbekistan | |
Venezuela | > Bachelor degree (Licenciado or título profesional) (would allow direct entry into Master’s) OR higher qualification |
Vietnam | > Section 1 Bang Tot nghiep Cao dang (Junior College Graduation Diploma)(regular mode, minimum 3 years) > Section 2/3 Bang Tot nghiep Dai Hoc (University Graduation Diploma)(would allow direct entry into Master’s) OR higher qualification |
Zambia | > Bachelor degree (in some cases would allow direct entry into Master’s) OR higher qualification |
- 金融硕士
- 专业会计硕士
- 能够运用高水平的书面和口头沟通能力,去解释和批判理论命题、方法论和结论,并能将其应用在不同文化、语言背景、和不同专业水平的受众群体所面临的复杂管理问题上面。
- 对基础和当代管理理论、原则和流程有深入的了解,并对它们在当前实践中的有效性进行批判性评估和反思。
- 商科研究生证书课程于2024年5月完成的学生,可于2025年第2学期(6月中旬)开始攻读塔斯马尼亚大学的任何商科硕士学位。
- 商科研究生证书课程于2024年9月或2025年2月中旬完成的学生,可于2025年第2学期开始攻读塔斯马尼亚大学的任何商科硕士学位(于2025年2月中旬开始)。
金融是塑造我们当今世界中最激动人心的发展之一的中心。金融硕士学位将使你成为未来的决策者。你习得的技能将会为在各种职业领域中开启宝贵而令人满意的职业机会 – 从企业首席执行官和主要机构投资者到金融科技独角兽和私人资本企业家。无论你是在寻找进入这个行业的初始资格,还是计划提升技能并加速你的职业发展,你在本学位中获得的技能和知识都将帮助你实现目标。
CRICOS Code:106830C